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Good afternoon,

We have come to the Fourth Sunday of Advent and our time of waiting is fast drawing to a close. We have probably found ourselves drawing up lists, planning visits to family, considering  the expectations around gifts, invitations, cards etc. We have our work lives to consider as to what days to take off and then, the sad reality that we are tired as this year is coming to a close as well. This can mean our patience and tolerance can be wearing thin and lead to misunderstandings as we negotiate what we want for ourselves and then, family and extended family. 

There is a lot going on! Our focus shifts quickly away from any spiritual or religious input to the mundane realities of Christmas. So, what can we do? Stand aside for a moment and reflect on why we are doing this and with whom? What matters to us individually and collectively?

The gospel gives us an insight of how God continually calls and invites us to life. Mary’s answer to be the carrier of Jesus informs us of a wonderful reality. That our God wants us to be hope-filled, driven by love and a faith that is lived through service to others.

So, let us enjoy and celebrate our family and friends, connect with those we have not seen or heard from in some time and open our hearts so others can see the joy of love that comes from raising up those who are down on life or struggling. Our hope is that we can bring others to Jesus believing not what we do but what God does through us. Our response we correlate to that of Mary’s humility. “Let what you want done be done in me”

Have a great Christmas and may the spirit of love sear deep into your minds and hearts.

Warm regards and blessings on us all, Paul.

What Does Advent Mean?

Advent means “arrival” and signifies the start of an event or the arrival of a person. In Christian communities around the world, Advent refers to a four-week season of remembering and celebrating the arrival of Jesus on Earth. It’s a time to reflect on the unexpected nature of Jesus’ humble birth and join in the anticipation of when he will come again to reunite Heaven and Earth once and for all. Advent and its four themes:


****Each Sunday in Advent there will be a short paragraph such as the one above 

        speaking to the theme of each Sunday and an accompanying reflection song.

FOURTH SUNDAY  LOVE  (The Angel’s Candle)   Sunday, December 22

The fourth candle of Advent represents Love, the ultimate love of God that He might send His only Son for us. Called the “Angel’s Candle,” the fourth candle of Advent is lit the Sunday before Christmas, and it is the colour purple, leading us to eagerly await the new Kingdom of God on earth. The Rose by Bette Midler -click on link

Christmas Eve/Day: The message of Emmanuel is finalised and importantly the realisation of God’s love and presence is born.  Our God of mercy, compassion, forgiveness and love is here among us. The Kingdom is here! These themes of Advent speak eloquently about what we need as human to live in unity with our brothers and sisters and all life on our planet. We need to be Hopeful – live with an attitude of Peace and realising the gifts and beauty around us to feel genuine Joy and all this embrace sus to feel and live with Love.

Marry Christmas and let us remember our communities, our families and family groups – we can spread this love, joy, peace and hope every day.  Oh Holy Night – Neil Diamond – click on link


Have a good week – God go with you, 

Blessings, Paul                                                     


Scripture Reflection –FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT -22 December 2024



First reading:
 Micah 5:1-4
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 79(80):2-3, 15-16, 18-19
Second reading: Hebrews 10:5-10
Gospel: Luke 1:39-44
Link to readings -click here 

Christ is coming! The readings this weekend are full of an expectation. God’s promise through Micah is fulfilled in the encounter between Mary and Elizabeth, and their faith. In the First Reading, Micah proclaims that the Messiah will come from Bethlehem and lead his flock back to their land in peace. The Psalm is a plea to the Shepherd of Israel for this return, and for the sending of the Messiah, the chosen one. 

The Second Reading from the Letter to the Hebrews emphasises the fact that the Christ who redeemed us took on a human body, like ours. The Gospel helps us gather all these themes: obedience to God’s will; faith in his promises; and especially faith in the Incarnation – Jesus our Saviour, already becoming flesh in Mary’s womb. May we journey through these last days of Advent in Mary’s company, so that Christ may be born in us.


pastedGraphic_6.png   National Coordinator’s Update:

Working on Newsletters from home and preparation of both the December and annual reports. Drawing up contacts that need to be activated in the New Year. New clergy or PPs that need to be contacted before February 1 2025.



 Reminder: 5 Aims and Goals

  • share & celebrate life & faith 
  • support one another (especially in need)                            
  • reaching out to & include others
  • build community/extended family
  • show and give example to children     



  Pease remember in your thoughts and prayer: 

  • Please keep in mind 
  • Pat Smith RIP and keep in prayer Maureen and family;  Remember Rod Carson and remember Pat and family; Maureen and Graeme Matthews; Jocelyn Bryant and family; Adrian van de Pas ; Graeme Margaret Armstrong;       Maggi and Charlie Gribble;
  • Christine Geoghegan daughter Kate and extended families; 
  • Jenny Epplett, Preston, Kate  and family ; Paul and Linda Darbyshire;
  • Please remember Paul Davenport and his wife Jill;
  • Leanne Hintz daughter of Clair and Ray Hague; 
  • Robyn Burns (Hill;) Terry Nelson’s family;. Brian and Eleanor McFlynn ;
  • Tim Bartell’s son Sam and family ; Richard and Sue Gibb; Robert van de Pas 
  • Bryan Davidson; Charlie and Maggi’s daughter and her partner in prayer.
  • Keep in mind all those who are struggling with various aspects of mental health; Bob Buckley’s family; Keep people in Gaza and Israel in your prayer 
  • Martin and Sally van der Wetering; Phil and Anne Drew; Pat and Rod Carson 
  • Please keep in your prayers those who continue to  deal with the after effects of droughts on the horn of Africa. Also weather effects on other countries across the planet 
  • Keep in prayer the people of Ukraine: Keep in prayer the people of Sudan 
  • Please pray for Dot and Neill Wilson (Invercargill) – their son-in-law Mark married to Dot’s daughter Anita 
  • Your own intentions



  • “I once had a dream I was floating in an ocean of orange soda. It was more of a fanta sea.”
  • “A cheeseburger walks into a bar. The bartender says, ‘Sorry, we don’t serve food here.'”
  • “I once got fired from a canned juice company. Apparently I couldn’t concentrate.”
  • “I used to play piano by ear. Now I use my hands.”
  • “Have you ever tried to catch a fog? I tried yesterday but I mist.”
  • “I’m on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it.”
  • “Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.”
  • “I made a pencil with two erasers. It was pointless.”
  • “How do you make a Kleenex dance? Put a little boogie in it!”
  • “I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!”
  • “Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock-knock joke? He won the ‘no bell’ prize.”
  • “I’ve got a great joke about construction, but I’m still working on it.”
  • “I used to hate facial hair…but then it grew on me.”