Morena/Good morning, As advised previously, the New Zealand Bishops invited Passionist Family Group Movement to respond to the tasks set for the Synod feedback by asking this main question:  How can we be a synodal Church in mission?  Synodal is simply walking together and all that conjures up. It is about openness to […]

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    Morena/Good morning, Over the past weeks I have been travelling around our Passionist Family Group parishes visiting both parish and group coordinators and our members It’s good, that after all these years we can so easily identify this Passionist spirit of fun, support, care, compassion and commitment to ‘being family’. We can so […]

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   Morena/Good morning  Borrowed this intro for Advent from my brother’s last letter. Advent  Advent means ‘the arrival’ and liturgically we understand this to refer to the arrival of Jesus at the first Christmas. Advent marks the beginning of the new liturgical church year. This is Year B which features Mark’s gospel. Originally, Advent was […]

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