On the morning of the 30th April Fr Brian Traynor CP celebrated the masses at St Joseph’s of Upper Hutt and what a wonderful celebration they both were!
At the homily red balloons were given out to Parishioners of different age categories and those people were asked to stand at the front and introduce themselves to each other.
Not many knew each other, one woman had been in the Parish two years and only knew one other couple, sometimes its so easy for us to go to mass week after week and not know the person in the next seat.
Passionist Family Groups help build community – by getting to know another, only then can we learn to love and support one another!
A shared morning tea was held in the foyer after the 9am Mass and a sausage sizzle after the 10.30, the foyer was a buzz with chatter! And I heard one Parishioner say to Fr Brian – “Well I’ve heard many a homily in my time, but that’s the first one I’ve seen and I loved it!”