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Good afternoon,

The gospel this week is the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple and we see Joseph and Mary following the law i.e. introducing Jesus and having him take his place as first born in the Temple. The ancient Jewish rites bring out obligations for a first born Jewish child and also that of their parents. What is surprising in the gospel is that the entry of Simeon and Anna gives purpose of those who remain committed to God in quiet and prayer rather, than seeking power, prestige or use of violence. This brings us to understand the dimension of praying as a community but first pray alone. A bit like the hand in the glove analogy. Either one is okay but both in unison is best.

There are things pronounced by Simeon that would unnerve any parent – to hear that this child will see the rise and fall of many. If we commit to Jesus then our response will mean that following will not be easy. It will open our eyes and heart to see we are called out of ourselves. This will open us to reach out to others in love, compassion and service to others through forgiveness. To reject, is to cast ourselves away from light to the darkness of an inability to see, feel, do or be a source of goodness for others. We sadly cut ourselves off.

Moments when we see the suffering of others as we have seen this week is another opportunity to see what we are called to – a life of being for others. We can continue to find ways that justify our position but in the gospel no such justification exists except to follow Jesus and know that it will come at a cost. Living life comes at a cost and as we age we realise more and more that our time will not be measures by what we have but by what we did and how we were for others.  As Mary Mackillop said, “never see a need without doing something about it”.

We have a great community here with members from Greytown and Carterton – let’s breathe some hope and faith into our actions of supporting one another and our communities at large.

Have a good week – God go with you


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Scripture reflection: Presentation of the Lord Year C, 2 February 2025.

Simeon took Jesus into his arms and blessed God


Almighty ever-living God, we humbly implore your majesty that, just as your Only Begotten Son was presented on this day in the Temple in the substance of our flesh, so, by your grace, we may be presented to you with minds made pure. 


First reading: Malachi 3:1-4
Responsorial psalm: Ps 23(24):7-10
Second reading: Hebrews 2:14-18
Gospel: Luke 2:22-40
Link to readings – click here

The prophecy of Malachi (First Reading) is fulfilled when Mary and Joseph present the child Jesus in the Temple, for Malachi speaks of a day when ‘the Lord . . . will suddenly come to his Temple’. The Gospel serves as a formal announcement of Jesus’s arrival in the Temple: his presentation to Gentiles and Jews alike, as ‘the salvation’ of all humankind. The intimate scene also highlights the faithful piety of the young couple, as well as the patient faith and hope of Anna and Simeon.

The Second Reading underlines the reality of Jesus’s humanity. Like all of us, Jesus must grow in maturity and wisdom, as well as experiencing the suffering that real temptation brings to every human being. The Psalmist marvels that the Lord of the Universe has deigned to live amongst us in the Temple: he bids its gates and ancient doors to lift their heads, so that the mighty Lord may enter.

As Pilgrims of Hope in this Jubilee Year, we pray that, like the Holy Family, we might have a growing faith and hope in a loving God who cares for us all. We remember especially those who are victims of modern slavery in our turbulent, uncertain world. We also ask for an openness of heart and spirit to appreciate God’s many blessings, freely available to us every day.                          

pastedGraphic_5.png National Coordinator’s Update:

Paul is working next week for his final preparations of visiting parishes, the first lot will be Hawkes Bay; Hamilton; Pukekohe, Whakatane and Mt Maunganui starting Monday 10th February.. He’ll be conducting further South Island visits starting Monday 17th in Blenheim; Nelson and Richmond; ChCh South and ChCh West and hoping to catch up with ChCh North?; then onto Ashburton; onto Dunedin for a coordinators evening session on the 22nd and a Formation session on the 23 February in Dunedin. In the afternoon drive onto Invercargill for an evening session and stay with PP o/n;  return to ChCh  on the 24th and stay o/n On Feb 25th drive to Picton to catch the Ferry home.

As stated last newsletter as part of this Jubilee Year Paul will be offering to visit parishes to conduct a mini formation using two talks and discussion/sharing opportunities – one on ‘Belonging’ and one on “On Being Church – Why community matters?”. These will be the topics in Dunedin. Paul,  proposes to offer this in other regions and invite whoever wishes to join us. Please let Paul know if you would like a visit and/or Formation. We have two parishes who have made advances as to starting PFG’s this year both in the Wellington area. Green shoots are still sprouting.

While we have some green shoots we are also experiencing the ageing effects of PFG’s and the lack of new blood so to speak. There has been plenty of things that have sapped PFG members due to church administration re decisions on churches etc. along with running out of enthusiasm and energy. In his role Paul wishes to seek to find ways to support, enthuse and encourage support and growth, but it is something we all have to work on and with. Our call is to be family and through care, hope, faith and love for one another we can and will be the difference in sustaining and creating community. 




 Reminder: 5 Aims and Goals

  • share & celebrate life & faith 
  • support one another (especially in need)                            
  • reaching out to & include others
  • build community/extended family
  • show and give example to children    


  Please remember in your thoughts and prayer: 

  • Please keep Paul Darbyshire in your prayer – resumes his chemo next week. We remember Linda and the family.
  • Please remember Jocelyn Bryant, Kev and family undergoing chemo
  • Robyn Burns (Hill;) – Robyn is awaiting confirmation of further surgery in the next three weeks
  • Lease keep Di Buckley in your prayer she suffered a stroke this past week.
  • Christine Geoghegan daughter Kate and extended families
  • Pat Smith RIP and keep in prayer Maureen and family;  Remember Rod Carson and remember Pat and family; Maureen and Graeme Matthews;; Adrian van de Pas and her son Robert ; Graeme Margaret Armstrong
  • Jenny Epplett, Preston, Kate  and family ; 
  • Please remember Paul Davenport and his wife Jill;
  • Leanne Hintz daughter of Clair and Ray Hague; 
  • Terry Nelson’s family;. Brian and Eleanor McFlynn ; Bryan Davidson;
  • Tim Bartell’s son Sam and family ; Richard and Sue Gibbs; 
  • Charlie and Maggi and their daughter and her partner in prayer.
  • Keep in mind all those who are struggling with various aspects of mental health; Bob Buckley’s family; Keep people in Gaza and Israel in your prayer  along with the people of the people of Ukraine: Keep in prayer the people of Sudan and Syria.
  • Martin and Sally van der Wetering; Phil and Anne Drew; 
  • Please keep in your prayers those who continue to  deal with the after effects of droughts on the horn of Africa. Also weather effects on other countries across the planet 
  • Please pray for Dot and Neill Wilson (Invercargill) – their son-in-law Mark married to Dot’s daughter Anita 
  • Keep in prayer the people of Los Angeles and outline areas of California..
  • Your own intentions

We pray the Jubilee Prayer for ourselves and our world.
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.

May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.

May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.






A woman approached a man sitting outside a café and said :

“Excuse me Sir I’m doing a little survey, can I ask you a question?”

The man said : “Yes of course”

Woman: “If you’re travelling in a bus and a female gets on the bus and she’s got no available seat, would you give up your seat for her?”

Man – “No. I wouldn’t”

Woman: “What if the lady that got on the bus was pregnant would you give up your seat then?

Man: “No.”

Woman: “What if the lady got on the bus was a senior lady would you give your seat then?”

Man: “No.”

Woman: “You seem to be a very selfish man, with no manners. Wouldn’t you agree with that? 

Man: *No, I wouldn’t agree. I am the Bus Driver”