Shock – Maree Metcalfe
It was a deep and saddening shock to learn on Wednesday evening, that Maree Metcalfe (wife of Bernard and daughter of Berry Bick) collapsed and died that afternoon. Maree was so vibrant, and she, Bernard and I had been discussing plans to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in early February. (I was fortunate to be preside at their wedding back in 1974).
Maree and Bernard met through the Brothers Rugby team which was coached by Maree’s dad. Maree and Bernard spent many years as Directors of the Passionist Family Group Movement in Victoria and were dedicated to that ministry. When they retired, Maree put her energies into refugee work, among other things, and her care for her younger brother John while he suffered from premature dementia, was astounding. Her loss to Bernard will be huge, as it will be to so many of us. We give thanks for her love and Christian service and extend our condolences to Bernard. Maree’s funeral will be live-streamed from Holy Cross on Saturday July 29th at 10.30am.
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